personas que
creyeron en nosotros
It is easy and useful to find places where you can feel comfortable. It is easy and quick to use. A great tool to create a more inclusive community.
It is an app that allows you to meet and go to new places, and also helps professionals responsible for people with disabilities.
è stata un’esperienza che fa riflettere su come un sorriso, una gentilezza, aiuti a superare molte problematiche. Basta poco a volte per far sentire le persone a proprio agio, un gesto così semplice che fa superare 1000 ostacoli.
Per un futuro più inclusivo , facciamo crescere questa app!
For me, being part of the Mind Inclusion 2.0 project was a great opportunity to learn more about the situation of people with disabilities and how we can support and help them. My knowledge regarding the situation of people with disabilities was quite low. During all the project, I learn new things such as how to adapt the communication material to people with intellectual disabilities, how digital tools can be a support for them to improve their living conditions or the rise of inclusive technology. Working on this project was a great added value for me at the professional and personal level. The project Mind Inclusion is having an impact on the people with disabilities but not only. The project has a positive impact on everyone and makes us more aware of the situation of the people with disabilities.
MindInclusion App was designed with the knowledge generated with and by the people who, due to a disability, see their participation and access to public places limited, and by owners of places, from 3 local communities in Spain, Italy and Slovenia.
When I was introduced to the Mind Inclusion app, it seemed like a great idea. We have to collaborate to create accessible spaces for everyone. The app is an ideal tool for this.
Thanks to the Mind Inclusion app, different businesses will be able to see if they are really adapted, if they are accessible and what services they can offer to improve accessibility and the experience in their premises. The App makes us more aware of the difficulties that people with disabilities face.
It is very innovative, very useful to easily find places to be comfortable. It is easy and quick to use. A great tool to create a more inclusive community.
The Mind Inclusion app is a tool in favour of the social responsibility of companies and the dissemination of their services for people with disabilities.
Quando pensi di aprire le mani per donare è molto più ciò che ricevi: Cooperativa Margherita nel presentarci il progetto Mind inclusion ci dona pazienza, perchè siamo inesperti, consapevolezza, perché non tutto può essere scontato, energia … quella tanta 😃 sia i ragazzi che le educatrici!
“Un grande progetto alla portata di tutti”
Essere i primi attori di cambiamento è esso stesso un cambiamento! Grazie a Mind Inclusion puoi fare anche tu la tua parte per rendere il mondo un posto più accogliente.
“Mind Inclusion APP has been designed for people with intellectual disabilities, directly involving them in all the stages of the design and development processes. This allowed us to create an application as close as possible to their needs. We are very satisfied with the work done and we hope to have the opportunity to further improve it in the future.»
I think the Mindinclusion app is a great tool for people with disabilities to actively participate in social life. Clearly, the Mindinclusion app is still under development, so it doesn’t work the way you would like, but the start is promising
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+39 320 531 3533