About Mind Inclusion

Mind Inclusion 3.0 (MI3.0) aims to promote social inclusion and diversity by addressing barriers and fostering inclusive environments for individuals with intellectual disabilities

Building upon the success of Mind Inclusion 2.0, MI 3.0 employs an integrated and participative approach and involves three key groups:

  • People with intellectual disabilities (PWID);
  • PWID’s support network (caregivers, social professionals, educators); 
  • Owners/managers of public spaces (business users) frequented by PWID. 

Developing digital training opportunities, empowering tools, and enhancing skills for people involved, we strive to create a society that embraces inclusivity, supporting accessibility and inclusive engagement of PWID in public spaces.

Promote social inclusion for PWID

Utilize digital tools for flexible learning

Enhance accessibility in public spaces for PWID


Would you like to find more inclusive and accessible public places?


Are you a social work professional working with people with disabilities?


Are you a manager and would like to make your venue more accessible?

From 2.0 to 3.0

November 2018

MI 2.0 Starts

The project partners officially launch the project during the kick-off meeting held in Italy.


Co-creation activities

The project partners works together with people from different backgrounds to analyse needs and solutions to support social inclusion.

Spring 2020

Launch of MI 2.0 App

The APP is tested in a variety of public places such as bars, museums, restaurants.

May 2021

MI Final Conference

The project ended, but the MI community continues working to promote social Inclusion.

September 2022

MI 3.0 Starts

A new adventure begins to support the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

Latest news

#2 Newsletter: July 2024

#2 Newsletter: July 2024

The second newsletter is now available! Discover the activities we carried out over the past few months and the next steps of the project! Read the full newsletter here: Newsletter Follow us:

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Training of Trainers in Bucharest

Training of Trainers in Bucharest

The project's Training of Trainers event took place in Bucharest! It was four days of activities during which social professionals and operators engaged in discussions about the content of the Online Learning Center and the MOOC. These were four intense days allowed...

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Events: Follow-up Days for Partnerships for Cooperation

Events: Follow-up Days for Partnerships for Cooperation

The coordinators of the Mind Inclusion 3.0 project participate in the Follow-up Days for Partnerships for Cooperation (KA220, KA210). Call ERASMUS+ 2022. It is a conference aimed at project coordinators of the 2022 call that will generate synergies, share experiences...

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Become part of our community

Contact us to work together to promote inclusiveness!

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Cooperativa Margherita

+39 320 531 3533

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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