Mind Inclusion 3.0
Margherita Cooperativa is a social cooperative established in 1987. It develops and manages projects (both national and European) and services for individuals to promote a culture of solidarity, social inclusion, and active citizenship. In particular, Margherita focuses on children, youth, the elderly, and people with disabilities, developing and disseminating approaches and methodologies to make territories and communities socially responsible and inclusive. Its mission is to promote solidarity, respect, and active participation in shared values.
Website: www.cooperativamargherita.org.
POLIBIENESTAR is the leader of the MIND INCLUSION 3.0 project, and therefore ensures that the objectives of the project are fully met and the desired impact is achieved.
POLIBIENESTAR, Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy, is a Universitat de València’s research institute. Well-known internationally. Its main research areas are innovation in social technology, technical advising and training in the social policy field. For twenty years now, it has been doing both basic and applied research on the economic, social, political and technical sustainability aspects of welfare systems. It has been advising both the Administration and private companies on the planning, design and implementation of social welfare and sustainable resources and policies.
POLIBIENESTAR acts as an advisory team for both the Administration and private companies in the planning, design, development and assessment of its policies, departments and services.
Website: www.polibienestar.org.
Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza is a private not-for-profit association of Micro and SMEs, based in the city of Vicenza and born in 1945 with the aim of safeguarding entrepreneurs’ interests and supporting their actions to improve the local economic and social context. It is part of a regional and national confederation of BSOs, namely Confartigianato Imprese, which is also a founding member of the umbrella organisation SME United in Brussels. The Association’s purposes are:
- to promote craftsmanship, SMEs, and economic associations for local development;
- to represent and safeguard members’ interests, provide information and assistance;
- to encourage entrepreneurial modernization, innovation, and pro-quality-of-life policies, fostering a socio-economic environment that supports businesses and entrepreneurial culture.
Throughout the years, Confartigianato has also been managing several regionally, nationally and internationally funded projects (e.g. Interreg, Erasmus+, Europeaid) involving an increasing number of companies from different sectors and fostering the important exchange of expertise and good practices at a European level.
Website: www.confartigianatovicenza.it.
Pro ACT Suport, a Romanian NGO, promotes the rights and genuine social inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities. It establishes a community housing model and accredited services to address their natural needs for a dignified life in the community. Founded in 2011, the organization values trust, respect, self-determination, social harmony, justice, empathy, and responsibility. Over 100 individuals with disabilities, previously institutionalized, gained essential skills for independent living through Pro ACT Suport. The organization primarily serves people with intellectual disabilities and mental health issues, offering consultancy and training to authorities. Currently, 10 community housing units accommodate 50 adults, providing essential services, recovery, and independent living skill development.
Pro ACT Suport actively engages in European and national projects to enhance disability legislation, promote participation, and develop community-based services for independent living.
Website: proactsuport.ro.
Social IT is an innovative SME that develops ICT solutions for the management of social and health care services. Its mission is to realize cutting-edge technology projects with the aim of guaranteeing support through the use of ICT tools, putting at the center the end-users and their needs. Social IT highly specialized staff is committed to study, develop and provide new technologically advanced governance solutions to welfare organizations. Social IT has developed an enduring expertise in providing the most adequate and high-quality solutions, fostering the efficiency of social and health care systems and bettering the lives of patients.
Social IT has also large experience in EU projects, which allows to continue developing expertise through intense Research and Innovation activities and to develop ground-breaking ICT tools in support of fragile people (e.g., with intellectual disabilities, affected by autism, elderly with Alzheimer).
Website: www.socialit.it.
INTRAS, a Spanish non-profit organization, boasts nearly 30 years of dedicated work in mental health, blending research, training, social innovation, and clinical practice. Operating across 11 centers in 8 provinces, with over 200 professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, and social and economic experts, INTRAS annually serves over 1,500 users. While primarily targeting those with mental disorders, the organization extends its activities and services to diverse populations, the elderly, and those at risk of social exclusion. Their services, rooted in a Recovery Approach, empower users toward self-determination, reflecting their potential wishes, and providing tailored vocational training and employability programs.
INTRAS offers various activities and services, from psychosocial and labor rehabilitation programs to counseling and professional guidance, social employment, and more. Actively participating in European projects, INTRAS contributes to the development of innovative methodologies and services aimed at enhancing the training and well-being of individuals with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities.
Website: www.intras.es.
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Cooperativa Margherita
+39 320 531 3533