Stay tuned on the latest news
#3 Newsletter: December 2024
The new project newsletter is now available! Find out what we discussed during the last meeting in Valladolid and what lies ahead in the coming...
#2 Newsletter: July 2024
The second newsletter is now available! Discover the activities we carried out over the past few months and the next steps of the project! Read the full newsletter here:
Training of Trainers in Bucharest
The project's Training of Trainers event took place in Bucharest! It was four days of activities during which social professionals and operators...
Events: Follow-up Days for Partnerships for Cooperation
The coordinators of the Mind Inclusion 3.0 project participate in the Follow-up Days for Partnerships for Cooperation (KA220, KA210). Call ERASMUS+...
#1 Newsletter: January 2024
The first MIND INCLUSION newsletter is now online!Read all updates here👇 PDF document: EN Follow us:...
Transnational Project meeting in Bucarest, November 2023
On November 28th and 29th, 2023, the project partners gathered in Bucharest for a transnational meeting. Hosted by Pro ACT Suport, one of the...
Italian partners worked together for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities
Cooperativa Margherita and Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza worked together to bring fruitful results to the project and relevant information to...
News from Romania, Pro Act Suport engaged social professionals and Business Users!
Pro Act Support has been actively engaged in involving project targets in Romania. There has been significant activity in organizing workshops and...
News from Spain! Co-creation and co-validation sessions completed
Fundación Intras has worked efficiently to engage social professionals, business users, and individuals with intellectual disabilities in project...
Kick-off meeting in Vicenza, February 2023
The project kick-off meeting took place in Vicenza, Italy, on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2023. This event marked a significant opportunity for the...
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Cooperativa Margherita
+39 320 531 3533