In the frame of the Mind Inclusion project, workshop sessions were held at the end of November. The intellectually disabled peoples, caregivers, professionals and managers of public places were able to gather again and enjoy a great time together in various public spaces (bar, museum, restaurant).

Following the feedback from the previous session, this 4th session was the occasion to evaluate the improvement of the first prototype of the digital platform. The participants tested the latest version of the application. They had to do different exploration activities by using the app and at the same time by discovering and learning about the services of the places where they were and discover the opportunities they have to participate and feel comfortable in public places. One of the feelings was that the participants were much more focused on the goals of the project and start to lose the fear of doing something wrong or being judged by his/her performance with technologies.

By encouraging and guiding persons with cognitive disabilities in using the technologies, they can feel more and more confidence in using it.

Discover public spaces by using at the same time the Mind Inclusion’s application could offer the possibility of more inclusion in the society for the disabled peoples. 

The European project Mind Inclusion is creating a bridge between the intellectually disabled peoples and their citizenship by using digital tools.

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