7th November this year, Polibienestar, as a partner of the project Mind Inclusion, attended the Innodoct Conference 2019 – International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education 6-8/11/2019 – held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia with the video presentation: Accessible co-creation tools for people with intellectual disabilities for and with end-user, which was rewarded as “Best Presentation” by the congress.

This is how the work is done by the European project Mind Inclusion 2.0 funded by the European Commission within the scope of the programme Eramus+, under the Key Action: Strategic Partnership for Innovation was introduced. From November 2018 to October 2020, the project is leading by la Margherita Società Cooperativa Onlus (Social Cooperative, Italy), together with Polibienestar as Research Institute, the foundation INTRAS (Spain), Socialit Software e Consulting Srl (Italy), Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (France), Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendrija «Viltis» (Lituania), Associazione Il Girasole (Italy), y SEAS (Spain).

Since the person with intellectuals disabilities are often facing challenges and psychological obstacles to have access to public places, the project Mind Inclusion 2.0 aims to develop the competencies of the educators and promote the creation of an APP that will contribute to the sustainable and inclusive participation of the disabled persons.

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